About Us

Our loyalty to supplying our clients with the highest quality transportation services at affordable prices is only the first step of our commitment. We strive to be the best of what we do every day here at SSM VIP LIMO.

We are a family-owned business that has been serving the Washington Metropolitan area for many years. We are committed to exceeding our client's expectations. We strongly believe that our clients choose us as their preferred luxury chauffeur transportation for the simple reason of being treated as a VIP every time, every ride. We are truly different therefore you cannot compare us to any other company, because we sincerely address every client as a VIP.


Our mission is what we do every day to make tomorrow possible


We believe that our challenges today are our successes tomorrow

Our Team

SSM VIP team is an experienced professional and responsible group who are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the VIP treatment service every time, every ride.

Our Team

SSM VIP team is an experienced professional and responsible group who are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the VIP treatment service every time, every ride.